Save e-mail Messages Into QDocs With Or Without Their Attachments
This section concerns users who use Microsoft Outlook as their default e-mail browser. The integration of QDocs with Microsoft Outlook allows the user to archive outlook e-mail messages and their attachments into QDocs. The procedure is simple and resembles that of saving any other type of document into QDocs. Let’s see how this is done (we assume that Microsoft Outlook is open in front of the user.)
- From the right hand side pane of Microsoft Outlook select the e-mail messages that are to be saved into QDocs. These can be messages from any Outlook folder (i.e. Inbox, Sent, Delete etc.). To select a message simply highlight it by clicking on it once. Here we can select more than one message by holding down the Ctrl key
- Once the message or messages have been selected press the “Save to QDocs” button on the main menu toolbar, Upon doing so the familiar QDocs “Save” dialogue comes up prompting for details regarding the profile of the selected messages
Save e-mail Attachments Only Into QDocs
QDocs integration with Microsoft Outlook allows the user to save only the e-mail attachments into QDocs without the actual messages that contain these attachments. To save one or more attachments of an e-mail message into QDocs select the relevant e-mail message by clicking on it and then from the “Tools” option of the Outlook main menu bar select the “QDocs Archive Attachments” option. The resulting form lists all the attachments contained in the selected e-mail. Select the attachments that you wish to archive into QDocs by clicking on them and then click on the “Import Attachments” button