This section covers the basic document options available to the user within QDocs. To access the document options menu the user must first locate the document either through the “Search” or “Worklist” functions and then right click on the document. Upon doing so a menu opens up revealing all available options
We’ll go on to examine each one of these options
This opens the document in its corresponding application
This option allows the user to copy the selected document into a new one. Upon choosing the “copy” option a dialogue with the document’s profile opens up (Profile of Copied Document – see Figure 3.2) prompting the user to enter details concerning the new document that will result from the “copy” procedure. After completing the new document profile and pressing the “copy” button the new document is created. This new document is given a new (different to that of the original document) QDocs reference number. The original document remains unchanged and retains its original reference number
When chosen this option allows the user to print the selected document from within QDocs without having to open the document first
This option allows the user to delete the selected document
Edit Profile
Using this option the user can edit the profile of a document by changing one or more of its characteristics, i.e. the practice, the project etc
Add To Favorites
Using this option the user can add a document that he/she uses frequently to his/her “My Favorites” folder, which is unique for each QDocs user.
The advantage of maintaining a “Favorites” folder is faster and easier access to the documents it contains. These documents can be accessed via the “My Favorites” button of the main toolbar menu